442_4288.JPG:Me looking too tired for it to be pre-game 442_4290.JPG:Kim and I mock-battle before the game 442_4291.JPG:I'm #38 (green), skating away from the camera 442_4292.JPG:I'm the blurry left wing (closest to the ref) 442_4293.JPG:I'm the left wing being avidly guarded by the d with red gloves 442_4295.JPG:I'm the blurry left wing (leftmost green player) 442_4297.JPG:G1 vs G2 (I'm not in this shot) 442_4299.JPG:Peter randomly photographs the scorekeeping machine 442_4300.JPG:I'm the green player looking like I'm not bending my knees at all. Nice. 443_4301.JPG:I'm the left wing (facing camera) -- Kim is the white team's right wing (right across from me) 443_4302.JPG:I'm the lefthand green player, inexplicably skating away from the puck 443_4303.JPG:I'm the middle green player, trying to score on Nora 443_4304.JPG:G1 vs G2 (I'm not in this shot, but that's Susan in the grey helmet on the green team) 443_4305.JPG:G1 vs G2 (I'm not in this shot, but that's Susan in the grey helmet on the green team) 443_4306.JPG:Nifty blurry action shot 443_4307.JPG:I'm the second-to-left of the four green players 443_4308.JPG:I'm #38 on green, right next to the goal