402_0289.JPG:All packed up and ready to go 402_0296.JPG:Salinas Road 402_0297.JPG:Gonzales, the Wine Capital of Monterey County 402_0298.JPG:The Beacon gas station with the unexpectedly good burrito joint 403_0305.JPG:Vineyards just off Alta Road in Gonzales 403_0306.JPG:Vineyards along Gloria Road in Gonzales 403_0307.JPG:Vineyards along Gloria Road in Gonzales 403_0308.JPG:Vineyards along Gloria Road in Gonzales 403_0309.JPG:Vineyards along Gloria Road in Gonzales 403_0310.JPG:Wildflowers along Gloria Road 403_0311.JPG:Disconcerting cows along Gloria Road 403_0312.JPG:Disconcerting cows along Gloria Road 403_0313.JPG:Disconcerting cows along Gloria Road 403_0314.JPG:Gloria Road 403_0320.JPG:Wildflowers along Gloria Road 403_0321.JPG:Wildflowers along Gloria Road 403_0322.JPG:Wildflowers along Gloria Road 403_0323.JPG:Gloria Road 403_0324.JPG:Wildflowers along Gloria Road 403_0325.JPG:Wildflowers along Gloria Road 403_0326.JPG:Wildflowers along Gloria Road 403_0327.JPG:Wildflowers along Gloria Road 403_0337.JPG:Gabilan Range from Gloria Road 403_0338.JPG:The Serow along Gloria Road 403_0339.JPG:Cow stare-down on La Gloria Road 403_0340.JPG:Cow stare-down on La Gloria Road 403_0341.JPG:Cow stare-down on La Gloria Road 403_0342.JPG:Cow stare-down on La Gloria Road 403_0343.JPG:The Serow along La Gloria Road 403_0344.JPG:The Serow along La Gloria Road 403_0345.JPG:Wildflowers along La Gloria Road 403_0346.JPG:The Serow along La Gloria Road 403_0347.JPG:La Gloria Road 403_0348.JPG:The Serow along La Gloria Road 403_0349.JPG:La Gloria Road 403_0350.JPG:The Serow along La Gloria Road 403_0351.JPG:The Serow along La Gloria Road 403_0352.JPG:The Serow along La Gloria Road 403_0353.JPG:La Gloria Road just before Hwy 25 403_0354.JPG:La Gloria Road just before Hwy 25 403_0355.JPG:Back at the truck 403_0356.JPG:Getting ready to load the Serow 403_0357.JPG:All secure and ready to drive home 403_0358.JPG:All secure and ready to drive home 403_0359.JPG:All secure and ready to drive home map1.JPG:General map of the area map2.JPG:Zoomed-in map of my route map3.JPG:Another zoomed-in route map quarry_lagloria.JPG:Quarry in the Gabilan Range (along Gloria Road) salinas_road.JPG:Salinas Road valley_lagloria.JPG:The Gablian Range (along Gloria Road) vineyards_lagloria.JPG:Vineyards outside of Gonzales (along Gloria Road)