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2002 RVT1000R (aka RC51)

What's with "RVT1000R"? Does anyone call this bike anything but an RC51?

I think the RC51 is a pretty attractive bike. If I were going to suddenly want a supersport, I'd look pretty thoroughly into this one. Honestly, though, I didn't sit on it at the show -- Peter sort of jumped on it as we were wandering between the 919 and the CBR, and I snapped a couple of pictures. It's got that pointy gas tank issue that all supersports seem to have (what I like to refer to as the "auto-seppaku" feature), and the bars would definitely need risers for me, but other than that, it seems like it'd fit. I'll try and sit on one in the local Honda dealer once they're in stock, and fill out this review a little more.

Honda's spec sheet