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2002 BMW R1200C

This bike absolutely cracks me up. The front looks some insane combination of chrome and spaghetti. This isn't to say that I don't like it -- but personally, it's the sort of thing I'd buy when I have too much money, just to have a motorcycle in my hallway as an art piece. Every time I see an R1200C at the local Beemer dealership, I picture myself sipping champagne on a bearskin rug and saying, "Jeeves, do polish the motorcycle, would you? There's a good chap." in a British accent.

Personal delusions aside, the R1200C is definitely what I would consider to be an acquired taste, but it's attractive in its own right. The clear-lensed turn signals are pretty snazzy, and all the twisty chrome and metal bits definitely give it a distinctive look.

My thoughts from the saddle: The R1200C was pretty comfortable for me, but I suffered from my usual cruiser problems -- the bars are wide and the seat seems to be about a football field's length back from the front wheel. Other than that, the R1200C is light and feels pretty nice. If I were a cruiser rider, I might well be tempted to be different and have a little fun with this bike.

BMW's spec sheet.