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July 31, 2003

ah, time-fillers.
I seem to have a lot of annoying 10- or 20-minute chunks of empty time this week, before meetings and the like. Usually I web surf and catch up on bike forums, but I don't really feel like it today. I'll write an utterly disjointed entry instead.

every day is an adventure.
Yesterday, at the end of the workday, I went to pick up my tankbag and was surprised to learn that the left half of it was soaking wet. Nothing else in the general area was wet, nor was there anything containing liquid in the tankbag. It's a little mystery.

steph kicks ass.
I'm a big loser friend and have not yet mentioned that Stephanie is on the Pony Express Relay, which is a Seattle to Los Angeles fund-raiser ride for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. It's her first big overnight ride, and she rode solo all the way up to Seattle. We're so proud of her. :)

See her journal from the road.

Tony and I went to see the riders when they stopped by Cal BMW in nearby Mountain View. Naturally, I forgot my camera, but I did have the hiptop camera. So here are a bunch of relatively crappy pictures.

First off, we just walked around the parking lot, drooling on all the bikes. Not surprisingly, there weren't a lot of sportsbikes; mostly cruisers and tourers. I liked this hot pink GoldWing and the 3D Barbie on those first two bikes.

I got this cute picture of Stephanie and Tony:

Tony and I hung around and watched the Medallion Pass ceremony:

And then they disappeared off again into the dark and stormy night....or at least, down to Watsonville.