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July 23, 2003I am utterly incapable of rational thought today. When I first woke up, I figured I was just overtired. Upon drinking a cup of coffee at work, I figured I was just overtweaked. An hour later, I figured I was just crashing from the caffeine. Now, I think I'm just brain dead. I've been sitting at my desk for an hour now and have done.....well, nothing. Just sort of staring. I'd really like to crawl under my desk and nap, but I'm still too tweaked from the coffee.
other people confuse me. Must be polite to people who give us money. I need to put together some content for this issue, too. I'm two months behind on putting in an article on the Arlen Ness HQ trip. I need to write up a blurb for Diana and my upcoming ride (August 9, and we haven't even started thinking about it at all). I need to write up Pacific Rally committee notes. I shouldn't do any of this right now. God only knows what it would end up sounding like ("ride. go zoom. 8/9/03. diana. leopard hair diana. zoom. go ride. nap now.").
learning experiences are a pain in the ass. The good news is that I wrote the article in distinct enough sections that I think I can divide it up into four separate, non-feature, articles. This is obviously not as cool as one big feature article, but it allows me to still use the material I've written and the photos that I took. The alternative at this point is shoving my head into the garbage disposal. The experience has also taught me that I have some very good friends. My graphic designer friend/coworker Justin spent about 30 minutes earlier this week talking me out of a tweaked-out panic that I was getting myself on The Master Copy of Every Editor's Shit List for having the wrong kind of photos. He also helped me play around with the photos to see if we could end up using them after all. Justin is my hero of the week. In case anyone was wondering, editor Tuttle at Rider is a very flexible and patient man. He's been really great about dealing with my tweaked-out panic emails (which, to be fair, were a bit more coherent than, say, this entry). Everyone should go out and subscribe to Rider right now.
where am i going, and why am i in this handbasket?
beware the skid demon. --- Taken from a 1962 Honda Motor Cycle Instruction Book. Translated by Honda for the American Motorcycle Rider: The following rules for motorists are so successful in Japan, that American motorcycle riders might profitably paste them in their hats. 1. At the rise of the hand by Policeman, stop rapidly. Do not pass him by or otherwise disrespect him. 2. When a passenger of the foot, hooves in sight, tootel the horn trumpet melodiously at first. If he still obstacles your passage, tootel him with vigor and express by word of mouth, warning Hi, Hi. 3. Beware of the wandering horse that he shall not take fright as you pass him. Do not explode the exhaust box at him. Go soothingly by. 4. Give big space to the festive dog that makes sport in roadway. Avoid entanglement of dog with wheel spokes. 5. Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there lurks the skid demon. Press the brake foot as you roll around the corners, and save the collapse and tie up. --- If you explode your exhaust box at me, I will be forced to tootel melodiously at you. |