July 21, 2000

bet you didn't think you hear from me again so soon.
Well, after yesterday's fascinating entry, how could I stay away? Besides, believe it or not, there were actually things I forgot to mention.

oh, you mean the bike needs gas to run?
First, there was the "running out of gas" incident that I teased you all with yesterday. I hadn't ridden in a week, and so when the bike was sluggish to start, I didn't think much of it. I pulled out the choke, let it idle high for a minute or so, pushed in the choke, and it seemed fine. When I started riding, it seemed like it was chugchug a little, but I figured it was because I hadn't been riding and was just getting back into it.

At a stop light, it just plain cut out. I put it in neutral, flipped the engine cutoff switch off and back on, and nothing. I pulled out the choke; nothing. It sounded like it was trying to start, but it just wasn't catching. I pushed it over to the side of the road, and after a minute, it started again and I was back on the road.

About 3 blocks later, it said PUT! PUTPUTPUT! PUTPUT-BLLLEEEARGH and just gradually slowed way down. I pulled it off to the side again, but this time it just wouldn't start. After a minute, it occured to me that the put-put dance was sort of like the "i've run out of gas!" dance that it did when Peter was driving it, and I flipped the tank to reserve. After that, it ran like new. Started up, didn't putput, ran fine all the way to work. And then, as I mentioned, I didn't fill it up again until last weekend. Ah well.

the peter update
Just to make myself feel better, I'm going to blame my lack of riding lately on Peter. Peter also hasn't been riding lately, and therefore has not been making me feel like a sloth for not riding. So, there, it's all his fault. :D So the reason that Peter hasn't been riding lately is that he needs to do something about his rear wheel. One day, I met him at his house, and he pulls up on the bike, and says, "lookit this!" and indicates the rear wheel. There was quite a bit of wear, and so I replied with an appropriate "oooh." "Ok," said Peter, "now look at *this*!" He walked the bike forward, and into sight came the singular worst-looking piece of tire I've ever seen. It was worn down past the rubber. There's, like, pieces of cloth visible.

Quite understandably, Peter isn't really excited about riding on this tire. Last I heard, he was still waffling between changing the tire himself and risking the drive over to the mechanic's to have them do it. Personally, I wouldn't ride it, but, to be fair, it most likely would make the 10-mile or so trip, and then we'd know the tire was on properly. Anyone have any experience with changing your own tire? I think his tires have tubes (mine are tubeless, so I never remember about his). Anyway, if you have any suggestions or words of wisdom, let me know.

ok, on to the new stuff.
So, after work, I took my car to Peter's, and drove the bike home. Yes, that's right, the bike is finally here. At my apartment complex. Back in the outside uncovered spot, waiting to be stolen. But this time, I have locked the steering column! Ha! That'll keep 'em away for sure.

So anyways, I still wussed on the freeway. In fact, I even wussed on the divided highway. But I did take major streets, during rush hour and all the idiots that come out to play during rush hour. And the bike is here. So there. :D I even practiced downshifting, because that was something that had been giving me trouble. I realize now that downshifting is remarkably easier when you're going faster than, say, 20mph to begin with. Then you have somewhere to downshift *to*. I got to practice shifting a lot when I got behind Evil Suburu Woman. Now, Evil Suburu Woman takes on many forms, and one generally finds oneself behind her in rush hour, but I was amazed at how much more of a pain in the ass Evil Suburu Woman (ESW) is when you're driving a manual transmission.

ESW: la la la I am driving much slower than surrounding traffic la la la
Me: I cannot pass ESW, as I am turning at the next light. I am stuck.
ESW: I will now speed up! I am now driving a normal speed! Wheeeeeee!
Me: Yay! shifts up into 3rd gear
ESW: Oops, I was just kidding. la la la I have slowed down again for no apparent reason la la la
Me: Dammit. shifts back down into 2nd
ESW: I have made the same turn you're making. I am still in front of you! I am going to speed up to show how happy I am!
Me: Huzzah! shifts to 3rd
ESW: la la la oops it looks like I sped up a wee bit there la la la
Me: I hate you, Evil Suburu Woman! back down to 2nd

I swear to God, she was Third-Gear Psychic. *Every single time* I got to 3rd gear, she immediately slowed down to avoid slamming into nothing at all. Ew.

yes, well. anyways.
So, yeah, the bike is at my place. I'll probably bring the car back here tomorrow, just so I don't feel "trapped," but I'm going to take the bike for my little errands all weekend. And, since I'm taking next week off of work, too, hopefully I'll get a whole bunch of quality bike time in. Huzzah!

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