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June 30, 2001So, our company has an electric car. Since people primarily use it in the evenings and on weekends, I usually park my bike in front of it for the day. Yesterday, I get a call in the afternoon from co-worker Ficus, who wants to teach new co-worker Mark to drive the Sparrow. I head over to the parking lot to move my bike out of the way. A couple of hours later, I head to the kitchen from my desk, and see Mark back in the office. I ask him how he liked the Sparrow, and in the course of our conversation, mentioned that I don't like driving it very much. "It's funny," said I, "because I'll ride the motorcycle wherever, but driving the Sparrow scares me to death." Then Mark laughed and said that he had had the following conversation with Ficus when they orginially walked up to the parking lot:
FICUS: Oh, huh, the bike's in the way. I'll call. Maybe this is only funny if you know the people involved and how they talk and stuff (both of them are really funny in the "deadpan humor" kind of way), but I was still pretty entertained. Motorcycling is actually a big deal to a lot of people at Danger, which is just now starting to come out. Obviously, I know that co-workers Justin and Sara also ride, since I've seen them, and I know co-worker CJ has a (currently broken) bike and that she's toured CA with her ex and stuff (some really neat stories there). But I just found out that co-worker Tony watches the bike races religiously, and that his uncle owns a custom chopper shop in the South somewhere (I forget the URL; I'll ask him again and link to it). Co-worker Ian just moved here from Australia and is talking about taking the MSF (he gets coffee with Justin and I every morning and is probably sick of hearing us blather about our bikes ;) ). It's pretty neat.
my subconscious likes to laugh at me. So, a couple of nights ago, I have this dream where I'm riding along, cutting through Stanford. All of a sudden, I'm like, "Damn, what did I forget now?" and I look around, and in my right hand, I'm holding my helmet. "Oh, shit!" I said, and pulled over to my usual pre-280 forgetful spot, and put my helmet back on before continuing to ride. I guess it's the motorcycle equivalent of "damn, I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached...." |