wonders never cease.
It appears that Meriwest finally convinced the DMV that my registration was wrong, because today I received a brand-new registration, with Meriwest (correctly) as the lienholder. And I *never once* had to pick up a telephone and call the DMV for this. I'm considering sending Loan Officer Janet flowers.

Just in case y'all didn't believe me about the viola. Kudos to Cat for immediately seeing a way to strap it on perpendicular to the pillion seat. I no longer feel like it's going to shoot off the back and kill someone.


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May 24, 2001

hi there, remember me?
So, for something new and different, I've been sick all week. Since riding and constant body-wracking coughing spasms don't go hand in hand as well as one might think, I've been off the bike most of the time since I last wrote. Until this afternoon, I was really quite concerned that I wouldn't be able to do the Calistoga ride. It'll be the longest ride I've ever taken, and I didn't think that a 200-mile ride through unknown territory would be the greatest thing while I was light-headed and prone to hacking out a lung. But, huzzah! Last night, I actually slept for about 5 hours (yeah, I know, but that's more than the rest of the week's sleep combined), and the medications are starting to make the cough go away. So I'm renewing my enthusiasm for this trip with newfound vigor.

I'd just like to say that the women I'm riding with kick ten kinds of ass from here to Sunday. I sent an email out last night explaining that I'd been having asthma troubles and coughing and etc., and that I didn't know if it'd be safe for me to ride. Rather than saying "oh, that sucks, catch you next time," like I anticipated, they wrote back saying "spas are wonderful for the health! You must then drive to Calistoga, which sucks, but at least you'll hang out with us and get a mud bath!" When I wrote back today saying that it looks like I'll be riding after all, they said, "yay! so glad you're feeling better!" and all sorts of encouragement. I really really love girls that don't suck.

not much else going on.
I've ridden a total of around 100 miles in the past week, which is really depressing (especially considering that 80 of 'em have been in the past 2 days). So I don't really have anything interesting to talk about. I uploaded all of the pictures from replacing Peter's clutch last weekend, but have been pretty lazy about writing the write-up for the how-to section. Hopefully that'll get done this weekend.

OK, that's it. Go away. :)