February 27, 2001

yes, i'm still alive.
Barely, though. ;) Let's see...it's been raining and I've had what was quite possibly the nastiest flu that anyone has ever had since the dawn of time. So the bike sat out in the driveway under its nice new cover, lonely and cold, from valentine's day until this morning. It was starting to piss me off; it sits by the dumpster in front of the Rotting Fruit Trees (no matter what season, this tree only produces rotting fruit), and so by the end of the week, there were all these nasty red ants crawling all over it. Since I was in bed sick all week, I couldn't really do anything about it, but over the weekend, I'd go outside to flick all the ants off and curse their vile little existences. I was really happy when it rained really hard the other night and washed them all away. I hate ants.

But I'm feeling mostly better now, and only have a horrible cough that sounds like tuberculosis left, so that's good. I'm trying to convince my coworkers that it's not contagious, it just my asthma cough, but I'm not sure they believe me. But why would I have taken an entire week off last week only to come in and infect them now? I mean, really. C'mon. *cough*

So, like I said, I rode in today. I wish that something exciting would have happened to liven the entry up a little bit, but I'm saddened to report that nothing did. No mis-shifting or anything. I got to show off my bike at lunch, though, that was nice; a new coworker also rides (she has a Yamaha Maxim -- a 750, I believe, but I'll ask her and put a link up) and so we talked shop a bit at lunch.

I finally gave up on finding any sort of deal with my loan, and faxed off the paperwork to Meriwest so that they can commence boning me for 15% APR. Ah well, that's what I get for always paying off my credit card bills in full. :(

I also bought a repair manual for the 1999-2001 SV650 from Motocom. I hear claims that there's a supplement for the S model, but that the regular SV650 repair manual covers the SVS "well enough." So that's that.

Tomorrow morning, Kim's coming over and we're going to take her bike to Spears to have her CB-1 get a good once-over. I'll also order new bearing while I'm there, since Spears charged me like $30 for the last pair, and every place I've seen them online wants to charge me closer to $50. :P Speaking of bearings, Peter and I might almost have the stupid race off of the steering stem. We're using a dremel to just cut the damn thing off, but it's slow going because we don't want to nick the stem. I took some pictures of Peter dremel'ing, but they're still on his camera, of course. I need my own digital camera. Feh.

I think that's all that's going on in random tidbit-land. Sorry that there's nothing more interesting, but, well, I'm really tired. So I'm going to go to bed. :) I'll try to think of more interesting things to post about, though, promise.

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