Category Archives: Z750S

One less bike

My Wind Dancers friend Genia came by yesterday and rode away with the Z. She’d actually bought it back in January, but she lives up in way northern California and so I offered to store it for her until she … Continue reading

Posted in Z750S | 3 Comments

Genia’s Mt Tamalpais Ride

I had a wonderful ride yesterday with a few of the Wind Dancers. Genia led four of us (me, Jenny, Kathleen, and Sandy) on a great ride up and down Mt Tamalpais and then north to Occidental. I’d never been … Continue reading

Posted in Rides, Z750S | 2 Comments

Short little ride….on the Z!

Hey, remember that Kawasaki I have?? In my defense, it hasn’t actually been in my garage for the past two months. 😉 My friend Andrew (Nny on was without bike and wanted to try a Z out, so I … Continue reading

Posted in Rides, Z750S | Leave a comment


I seem to have worn out my tires. I hadn’t noticed before this trip, but today it’s been painfully obvious. Not only is the Z not holding a line like she should (her not-quite-professional rider notwithstanding), but I could see … Continue reading

Posted in Trips and Travels, Z750S | 5 Comments

Bridges over the North Fork Feather River, Hwy 70

Loved this view of the two bridges. Too much traffic on 70, but otherwise a great ride.

Posted in Trips and Travels, Z750S | 1 Comment