Category Archives: No Bike Content

Introducing Kira!

Kira Brooks Bierman was born at 12:16am on Friday, April 20.  At birth, she was 6lbs, 9oz and 19″ long. Baby is doing great — parents are tired but otherwise doing well. Photos copyright April Tse.  

Posted in Kira, No Bike Content | 18 Comments

Here’s to the crazy ones.

In 1976, the year before I was born, Steve Jobs co-founded Apple Computer. My mom purchased a Macintosh Plus computer in 1986. In 1991, mom bought a Quadra and I got the Plus.  The Plus saw me through high school and … Continue reading

Posted in No Bike Content | 8 Comments

Sorry, Kin.

Forgive the foray into something incredibly off-topic for me, but there's nowhere else really to write it. Today, Microsoft discontinued the Kin phone after 48 days on the market.  I have very mixed feelings about this.   On the one … Continue reading

Posted in No Bike Content | 4 Comments

Microsoft?!?! Part Two

Indulge me in a bit of a story…. As I posted yesterday, Microsoft bought my company. After the shock — and champagne — wore off, I was feeling really lost last night. I’m only 30 and have worked at Danger … Continue reading

Posted in No Bike Content | 17 Comments


I came in to work today to find out that my company has been bought by Microsoft. Holy crap! This should be a good thing for me overall. I’ll get a decent cash payout on my Danger stock, plus a … Continue reading

Posted in No Bike Content | 14 Comments