Category Archives: Library Corner

When Wanderers Cease to Roam

I just finished an inspirational book which has nothing — and everything — to do with motorcycling:  When Wanderers Cease to Roam: A Traveler’s Journal of Staying Put by Vivian Swift. The 10 second summary of the book is that it’s … Continue reading

Posted in Library Corner, The Daily Grind | 2 Comments

Hooray for books!

Asking for 90% books on my Christmas list this year is making for interesting packing (travel tip: a square foot worth of books will bump your suitcase over the 50lb limit…), but it’ll be invaluable for planning future rides. Among … Continue reading

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Those other two-wheeled things

So, my friend Prue is finally getting through to me. For months now, I’ve wondered how she knows all these neat short rides around the Bay Area — little 20-50 mile jaunts that hit all the nice roads and are … Continue reading

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I was just telling Steph that the nice thing about this whole “writing” thing is that I get to rationalize buying other people’s books by saying they’re for “research”. Current “research”: Rising from the Plains, John McPhee. I figure that … Continue reading

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Much Excitement in the Magazine World

First RoadBike, then Rider, and then WomanRider…lots of changes in the magazine world these days. RoadBike continues to be the clear winner in my eyes. Their new look is clean without being minimalist; sharp without being too flashy. Jessica Prokup … Continue reading

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