April and Susan wanted to do another photo shoot — who am I to stand in the way of greatness? Â They came over on Sunday night and set up the mini studio in our driveway.
(photo copyright Susan Fisher)
Yeah, that’s all nice and good, but we’ve already done a Midget Stig photoshoot, haven’t we? Â We need something different. Â What do we have lying around that’s cute and photogenic? Â I know! Â The baby!
(photo copyright Susan Fisher)
Oh hello there baby!
Baby duly acquired, we got around to the business of the photoshoot.
As per usual, I have no idea what the technical details of the shoot were. Â There was a bed sheet on a stand and a few lights and people crawling about on the ground in the driveway. Â My job in the Midget Stig shoots is to stand there and smize. Â See, all those hours watching America’s Next Top Model were not in vain.
(Following three photos copyright April Tse. Â No stealie.)
I think this next one is ultimately my favorite. Â She is the cutest little Stig-in-training in the whole world. Â Not that I’m biased or anything.
Those sun stars are totally not fake, either. Â I saw the pics immediately after shooting right on the camera display screen and that’s really what it looked like. Â That’s my baby: farting sunbeams.
The ATGATT enthusiasts amongst us will note sadly that we have no Baby Stig outfit for Kira yet….I’m thinking matching Halloween outfits. Â 🙂
I must point out that I haven’t actually ridden at all again yet. Â I’m hoping to get the OK from my doctor at my 6 week postpartum appointment next week. Â In the meantime, I’m just thrilled that the Teiz suit fits again!
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