Welcome, bike #8!

Say hi to the newest member of our garage, now the second bike that doesn’t actually belong to us: Glen and Julie’s 2000 Ninja 250!


They’re loaning me the bike for a while in exchange for doing some light maintenance work on it (it’s been sitting in their garage for some time).

It came home in the pickup truck and has since been washed and has a new battery sitting on the charger.  I ordered a new set of tires, too — Bridgestone BT45s — as the tires on it are the originals and they’re like hard little slippery rocks.

Assuming the carbs aren’t gunked up to eternity, the bike should be rideable within a week or so.  I’m already allotting my “rest days” for the week accordingly (if I only work out once next week, I can go to the gym on Wednesday and then rest Thursday and Friday, meaning I should be OK to ride either Saturday or Sunday).

Someday I’ll be able to do things with only one day of rest in between and then scheduling my life will be easier. 😉 😉

Sitting on a bike that I can stand up and that doesn’t exacerbate lordosis means you get a big happy cheesy smile:


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