November is NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. The idea is to write a full novel during the month of November, no matter how badly it sucks. 😉 Writing is writing.
I don't write novels, but I also haven't been blogging much. Or writing much in general, for that matter. So for the rest of November, I'm going to blog every day.
I'll start out by bitching about my Beemer's brakes. They're, like, all spongy and stuff. There's nothing like going on a weekend ride on wet pine needly rural roads to convince one to work on one's braking system.
So last night I ordered stainless steel brake lines. Hopefully the combination of that and flushing out the brake fluid will help. It really can't make things worse…not that I don't appreciate the morning wake-up call of fishtailing down our hill.
4 Responses to NaNoWriMo, sort of