Daily Archives: April 24, 2007


I was just chastized by my beloved for posting a picture of Peanut the dog but no pictures of the tanks. To practice my soon-to-be wifely duty to obey my husband, here are some tank photos: Now to get back … Continue reading

Posted in F650GS, Trips and Travels | 1 Comment

San Simeon, Day 2 Part 2

Sorry for breaking up Day 2 there. My lunch break ended a little sooner than I’d expected. 😉 When last we left our intrepid explorers, they were finishing up at the Bee Rock Store and continuing on Interlake Road towards … Continue reading

Posted in F650GS, Trips and Travels | Leave a comment

San Simeon, Day 2 Part 1

Santa Rosa Creek Road! Just south of Cambria, it’s the jumping off point for many of my central coast adventures. It’s also one of the few roads that I can really measure my riding progress on as I gain experience … Continue reading

Posted in F650GS, Trips and Travels | 5 Comments