Truckin’ to Metcalf

Peter and I have the opportunity to go to Death Valley in late March with some of the kids, to which I’m really looking forward and he’s mostly silently resigned. 😉

Since we had already been planning on going to Metcalf yesterday anyway, we decided to take the truck and practice putting both XTs, the ramps, and our riding gear into the bed. Hilarity ensued.

After some pushing and shoving, we got both bikes in by pushing my XT up the ramp backwards. We got the bikes tied down and wedged the ramps and tupperware with riding gear in between them. This took us longer than expected and we were both glad we were practicing it now instead of, say, at 6am before leaving on a 500-mile drive to Death Valley.

We did finally succeed and made it to — where else? — Bobbi’s for breakfast.


Unloading at Metcalf was no problem at all and soon we were dressed and zipping towards the beginner’s oval. After two or three loops, we were warmed up and went to Trail 1.

The view from the picnic tables was pretty:


The couple that plays together, stays together:


A few laps later, Peter took a couple of pictures of me coming up the whoops towards the picnic table. After the Tahuya “potholes”, these were no biggie at all…but it’s still annoying how photos always make the terrain look too easy! 🙂

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Later in the day, I let Peter go ahead and I went slowly through Trail 1, taking a ton of photos. Before I ever went to Metcalf, it bothered me that I couldn’t find any photos of the trails online and thus wasn’t sure whether I would be able to do it. So I figured I’d do a “tourist lap” and photograph pretty much every turn of Trail 1. I’ll put that together on the main site and post a link when it’s ready. 🙂

It was a really fun day — good dirt riding with my sweetie and good truck practice.

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