Turkey Trot

This morning was the Women in the Wind, Faultline Chapter, Turkey Trot. They invited our Wind Dancers club to tag along and help donate some turkey and dried goods to the Santa Clara County Second Harvest Food Bank.

The GS all turkeyed up:

I rode from my house to Laura’s, where I met Yolanda and Minky. My ass was completely frozen by the time I got there, since I was practically sitting on a turkey. Kathleen later said it took her five years of doing Turkey Trots before she figured out how to properly bungee a frozen bird to her pillion seat.

Laura, Minky, Yolanda:


We four then rode to a Starbucks in San Jose (more frozen ass), where we gathered with about 15 more bikes. We mingled for a bit and met some of the Women in the Wind ladies, schmoozed, I showed off the GS, etc.

Around 11am, we all hopped into formation and rode down to Second Harvest. There was a videographer taping all of us women riding into the lot, turkeys strapped to our bikes and big smiles on our faces. All together, we donated over 400 pounds of food for the needy.

It was great to meet some new people, see some old friends, and give something back to the community. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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