For various random reasons, almost every single piece of gear that I’ll be using on our desert trip is either new or improved. This gives me a unique opportunity to review a whole bunch of things on a long trip and see how well they all work together.
TourMaster Cortech LRX jacket
By some miracle of nature, I won the grand prize at the Wind Dancers Pacific Rally — a new TourMaster Cortech LRX jacket and jean pants, compliments of Peninsula Honda Ducati.
When I went in to claim my prize, however, I realized that I didn’t really like the jean pants. What I did like were the Venture pants. Forunately, I used to live near Peninsula Honda Ducati, so they knew me and agreed to let me take the Venture pants instead (I paid the difference in cost between the two). Those aren’t available yet, though, so I just picked up the jacket.
I’ve worn the jacket twice so far (just to commute both times) and am pleased with it for short rides. We’ll see how it does on a 2000 mile trip!
Helimot leather pants
The same pants we’ve all known and loved for four years, but they’ve recently been altered. Much to Helmut’s dismay, I’ve gained 20 lbs since the suit was made — I think I’ve FINALLY convinced Helmut that yes, that’s all muscle, not fat. Unfortunately, bigger quads and oblique muscles look sexy but take up more space in already-snug leather pants. Anyway, I pick up the new and improved (and slightly let out) suit this afternoon.
Garmin 60CSx GPS
I’ve had the Garmin V GPS for three years now, and have really loved it, but it was time to upgrade. The 60CSx is perfect — with the addition of a 1G micro SD card, I can fit the entire western US and British Columbia onto the GPS at once. No more getting lost trying to find a hotel or restaurant in the middle of Nevada!
Only 24 hours til we leave.