Lazy Saturday ride

Peter and I did a lazy 80-mile jaunt yesterday, around the Hillsborough area. We’d wanted to scope out a potential wedding site up near Crystal Springs Reservoir, and then figured, heck, since we’re out we might as well adventure around.

It was a lot of fun — we did our meandering style where one of us would lead until a fork in the road or stop sign, then the other would pick a direction and lead until the next one. I don’t get my usual ride-leading anxiety attacks when we do this in areas where clearly neither of us has the vaguest idea where to go, so it winds up being a lot of fun.

Yesterday’s ride took us up into the Hillsborough hills (go figure), where we rode along ogling amazingly expensive houses. Peter picked up a couple of fliers for houses for sale; one was $4.5 million and the other was “price upon request”. 😉 We decided that when we win the lottery and have our $100 million, that we would slum in a $4.5 million house somewhere in the hills like these.

This was the “guest house” next to the main house:

Gorgeous views from this one:

Evil Robot likes the ice plants!

After our adventures in expensive housing, we would up at the Crystal Springs Dam, which intellectually we both knew had to exist, but neither of us had ever seen before. Similarly, we both knew that Hwy 280 had to be on a bridge in that section (locals: after the rest stop with the big pointing friar, as you come up on the styrofoam house), but….it was a little creepy to see it from below. I’m going to try very hard to repress that knowledge the next time I’m on 280.

Hanging out under Hwy 280:

Just a wee drop. Don’t think about earthquakes.

We ended our ride at The Little Shop for lunch, where Peter was indoctrinated into the crack that is their root beer floats. Mmmmmm. The sun was out, and life was good.

Peter learning the REAL reason why riders like tailbags:

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