Monthly Archives: March 2006

First goal!!

We scrimmaged in practice last night and….I scored a goal!! OK, it was just a scrimmage…but still! My first goal. *sniffle* There’s more where that come from, oh yes, yes there is! 😉

Posted in Hockey | 5 Comments

Shoulder prognosis

Well, as expected, the shoulder wound up being a slightly displaced clavicle (I suppose technically it was dislocated, but that sounds a lot worse than I suspect it was), resulting in my old friend the acromioclavicular joint strain. Whee! Nothing … Continue reading

Posted in Hockey, The Daily Grind | 3 Comments

Hockey-filled Sunday

Woohoo hockey day! Peter and I started off going to Big 5 for one of those kickass water bottles with the long spout so that I can actually not die of dehydration while wearing the cage. Hooray! While there, we … Continue reading

Posted in Hockey | 8 Comments

Spring Cleaning

It’s the first weekend of spring, which means that I’ve got to get the bikes ready for riding season! The Z still has a couple thousand miles to go before its next service (though I do need to replace its … Continue reading

Posted in Wrenching | Leave a comment

Happy Birthday, Peter!

Happy 30th Birthday, sweetie!! First hockey game: March 26, 2005 Paso Robles ride: May 8, 2005 West Coast Regional Meet: May 21, 2005 Metcalf Motorcycle Park: August 14, 2005 Peter’s first crossing of state lines on a bike: October … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 2 Comments