Why the Serow?

A couple of people have asked now, “why the Serow?”, and because I’m really lazy, I’m going to answer here instead of in individual emails. πŸ˜‰

why a dual-sport?
Before I can answer “why the Serow,” I have to answer “why a dual-sport.” The short answer is that I wanted more places to ride. πŸ˜‰ More roads, more opportunities.

Now, the long answer. Tony, Steph, and I did a bit of on-road off-roading in Alaska (y’know, where I suppose technically there was a road under us….or part of one….or maybe just a glimmering dream of one…). The SVS didn’t exactly give Tony’s V-Strom a run for its money, but it performed admirably. I was, quite frankly, astonished at how well it handled the ruts, mud, gravel, rocks, etc. I have just barely enough dirt experience to know how to stand up on the pegs, etc, so between myself and the bike, we did OK.

A short time after returning from Alaska, I rode the Wind Dancer’s annual Enduro, part of which spat me onto Morgan Territory Road, a wonderful little one-lane goat trail near Mt Diablo in the East Bay. I was astonished at how much I loved riding this road, considering that the last time I had, I cursed every pothole and shook my fist at every rock.

A few weeks after that, I rode around the southern Santa Cruz Mountains, essentially looking for goat trails. There was one road in particular, right off the summit of Loma Prieta, that I was really really really torn abuot riding. I knew the SVS could handle the dirt, but it was about 4000 degrees that day, and I’d already had to climb off and push the bike around twice when the road got too narrow/crappy for my poor baby. That was the day I decided I wanted a dual sport.

You will be mine, oh yes

I wanted to be able to hit those tiny little roads, and not worry about the slope or camber or dirt or rocks. Equally, I didn’t want to worry about having to turn the bike around if need be — the Serow, for example, turns on a dime and weighs half of the SVS, so maneuvering it on dirty mountain roads is a bit less stressful (I’d imagine. Haven’t done it yet).

Oh, huh, look, I’ve managed to blather on longer than I’d intended. Time to run off to the Wind Dancers annual New Years brunch….I’ll finish this thought when I return.

Oh, and Happy New Years, everyone!

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