I was sick during the beginning half of this week, so naturally, the latter half has been spent playing catch-up.
One downside to feeling sick is that I choose to drive the car instead of riding the motorcycle. With my allergies and asthma, I can go from being chipper and bouncy to being lightheaded and weak in the blink of an eye. Why chance it? I can put up with being a cage driver for a few days…….. <-- that there's me trying to convince myself. ;)
The Bandit mirrors came in this week; they look really nice on the bike. I’ll take some pictures soon. We don’t have anything specific planned for the long weekend, so maybe I’ll luck out and wind up with some free time to play with the Bandit. I have a list of Things To Look At on my garage whiteboard; some require more time (i.e. painting the frame), but I can definitely do little things like fixing the sticky throttle.
The SVS still has a new chain and sprocket set waiting around in the garage. I should get around to swapping that in before the current worn-down sprocket gnaws through the chain and attacks my shins.
The #1 project for the weekend, though, will probably be assembling Peter’s new weight machine. I’ll give a brief fitness update in, well, the Fitness category sometime this weekend.
Oh, and I’m revamping the bluepoof.com site. Since we’re a Mac-only household, can y’all take a quick peek and tell me if anything barfs (and if so, what OS/browser you’re on)? General comments and suggestions are more than welcome, too, of course. 🙂
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