
When I parked in the Danger lot today, I noticed a monstrous tan spider hanging out on the left side of the chassis, right near my heated vest controller. The sucker must have been 2″ long, with thick hairy legs. I wonder how he managed to hang on for the whole commute — he must have been tucked away behind the fairing somewhere. He disappeared into the bowels of the bike again while I was putting the disc lock on.

Just now, a coworker came into my cube, and when she was leaving, we noticed a second spider, happily making a web between my cube wall and my heated vest. This one was considerably smaller than the first one, and must have just been chilling (heh) in the vest all morning.

Luckily I don’t mind spiders. Our garage seems to house many of them (obviously) — I’ve left things in there overnight and found webs the next day.

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